
Fear of Hiv

Hi doctor I had unprotected sex about 10 weeks ago After three weeks I had a sore throat and a white tongue and have heard some popping in my ears as well which the doctor said was wax. The sore throat went away but the tongue persist to be white. I took a test a 5 week 3 days negative and a test at 6 weeks 3 days also negative. One was a rapid the other was at a doctors office where I had to wait a week for the results. My question's are if thrush was an ars symptom would it clear up quickly or persist? How conclusive would you say my two test were? Do you think it will change at twelve weeks giving my persistent white tongue? I have been worrying about this day in and day out sense I saw these tongue symptoms. Please Help

2015-04-03 02:32:32




Welcome to our Forum. I will be glad to comment. Your sore throat popping ears and white tongue is not due to HIV. If they had been your HIV tests would have been positive. Symptoms such as the sorts of processes that cause white exudate on the tongue and mouth (i.e. thrush oral hairy leukoplakia) do not precede positive blood tests they follow them- typically by years. There are many reasons for your tongue to appear white or gray and most of them have nothing to do with HIV The risk of any single unprotected encounter no matter whom the partner was is less than 1 infection in 1000 and typically far lower. Finally your HIV test at 6 weeks would have detected over 95% of recent infections and a test at any time more than 8 weeks following exposure will be definitive. You do not need to wait until 12 weeks for a definitive test. I am confident when you do test again the test will be negative and when it is my advice is to not worry further.

2015-04-03 02:33:02
