

I'm male 22 white non-druguser heterosexual here in america...i only have had sex a couple others times...but its been protected in stong relationships. ~recap on my story: 2nd posting in 6 months I had unprotected vag sex with a friend from work it lasted only 30 sec cause i could not last long. She was tested for HIV 7 months ago which came back negative but has slept with other people. I also told you that i dont have random sex that much i like to be in a good relationship before i do. You told me that i did not need testing....but here is my last question for you doc I developed thrush in the back corner of my doc looked at it and thought thats what it could be. I read on here that you say symptoms mean nothing to HIV but then you say people dont need testing after one exposure unless symptoms come up. This thrush is scaring the heck out of me i also have a canker sore on my tongue. I also have these rash LINES on my inner doc said it could be from a yeast infection. I dont have a fever or flu...this all developed 5 weeks. ~~2 days before this i didnt eat but a small meal a day for 5 days...just started eating again. I think the reason for this is because i was stressed out of my mind because of the scare of hiv. ~I as tested for hiv at 5 weeks and at 6 weeks with the uni-gold hiv test....the came back negative. Questions below

2015-04-03 02:35:30




Here are my questions: 1) does the fact that i have thrush change your mind me and HIV? 2) I was tested 2 days before i developed thrush (5 weeks) and then 4 days after I developed thrush (6 weeks)....if i had thrush due to hiv wouldnt my test show positive? or 3) because i have thrush will it take longer to turn positive for hiv 4) could their be any other reasons for my yeast/thrush besides hiv. 5) do i need to be tested again...and if so when? 6) My doc told me that the uni gold test is the best you can shows 99.6% at 5 this true

2015-04-03 02:36:00
