Welcome to the forum.
Contrary to what you think you have learned probably by searching for HIV symptoms on line your symptoms are not suggestive of a new HIV infection. Also your risk was low based on the exposure described -- and zero for hepatitis C which is rarely if ever transmitted by heterosexual sex. Most important the test results PROVE you did not catch HIV.
Your symptoms "match" HIV (and hepatitis C as well as at least 100 other conditions I could mention) because they are very nonspecific. That means the same symptoms occur in many conditions. So despite "typical" symptoms you cannot have HIV or hepatiits C if you aren't at risk -- and you were not.
And the blood tests for HIV are among the most accurate of all diagnostic tests for any medical condition. There is no such thing as a false negative duo test more than 4 weeks after exposure so your last two results were definitive. There are no medications or medical conditions that make them any less reliable.
If your symptoms persist or you otherwise remain concerned see a doctor to address the problem professionally. But you can disregard HIV hepatitis C or any other infection from the sexual encounter. Finally I would suggest you stop searching online about it. Like many anxious persons it seems you're being drawn to information that inflames your fears and missing all the reassuring bits.
olive 2015/4/3 14:56:26
Welcome to the Forum. I see from reading your earlier interaction on the HIV Community site that that you worry quite a bit about HIV transmission through cuts an surface exposure. Please don't worry. HIV is ONLY transmitted in adults through ano-genital or genital-genital intercourse an through injection of the virus deep into tissue. Surface contact with blood or blood-soaked material is not infectious.
In the case that you describe there is no risk of infection:
1. The blood you saw was probably not from a person with HIV.
2. Even if it was from someone with HIV the virus dies quickly in the environment and could not be transmitted to you this way. That you had a fresh cut does not change this.
This event was no risk. You need not be concerned an do not need testing.
2015-04-03 02:56:59