I'm currently freaking out about an unprotected encounter I had a couple of months ago. I was wasted and it was a huge mistake (not to mention I am in a relationship). The encounter only lasted a matter of minutes and he did not ejaculate inside me. There was a brief oral sex encounter (me giving it to him) which also did not result in ejaculation.
I am obviously going to get tested (I've only just surpassed the two month mark) but am just looking for what will hopefully be some reassurance that maybe I'm freaking out over nothing. I understand how transmission occurs but I'm wondering overall ba
2015-04-03 03:01:57
Welcome to the HIV forum. You don't say your sex but by implication you're female or you wouldn't have pointed out that your partner probably doesn't have sex with other men. This is a very low risk event with respect to HIV for 2 reasons. First it is statistically very unlikely a partner like you describe has HIV ("an upper class white male" not an injection drug users who doesn't have sex with men) assuming you are in the US or other industrialized country -- probably under one chance in 1000. Second even if he had HIV the risk of transmission is low. Unprotected vaginal sex carries an average transmission chance of once for every 1000 encounters which is equivalent to having sex with infected men once daily for over 2 years and maybe not being infected. And that's with ejaculation. And oral sex risk is on the order of 1 in 10000. (These odds are why the large majority of persons who acquire HIV heterosexually are the regular partners of infected persons and they typically only become infected months or years into the relationship. Catching HIV through one-off sexual events is rare.) So you can definitely expect your HIV test to be negative assuming this is your only risk. Feel free to return to post the result. But try not to lose sleep about it while you wait for the test.
2015-04-03 03:02:21