
Hiv and a yeast infection that will not go away

I had unprotected vaginal intercourse on 3-2-14. I have had a yeast infection since that will not go away. I have had many treatments and it's still there. I took an hiv rna test 2 weeks after the possible exposure. I took a blood antibody test at 8 weeks and I took the oral swab oraquick test at 88 days after. Could the yeast infection be related to hiv? Should I continue testing for hiv? I also took a test for chlamydia gonorrhea herpes 1 & 2 syphilis and hepatitis at the 8 week mark and all of those tests were negative except for the herpes 1.

2015-04-07 10:27:21




Welcome to the forum. My first thought is that a yeast infection might not explain your symptoms. Has persistent yeast infection been professionally diagnosed or are you just assuming based on symptoms? Even if you have a persisent or recurrent yeast infection this is not a strong predictor of HIV infection. Recurrent/persistent yeast infections occur all the time in healthy women with normal immune systems. And although some kinds of yeast infections are more common in persons with HIV vaginal yeast infections are not among them. On the other hand diabetes is a common factor in persistent vaginal yeast; and certain antibiotics can also do it. But HIV does so rarely. Most important HIV test results always overrule everything else. Your test results -- especially the combination of negative RNA at 2 weeks and antibody tests at 6 and 12 weeks -- prove you don't have HIV. No further HIV testing is needed. Continue to work with your doctor about your symptoms and possible further testing to confirm whether or not yeast is responsible. If it is you just need to find the right treatment. For example if you are among the few percent with vaginal yeast infections caused by Candida glabrata (instead of C. albicans) then many of the standard yeast treatments (anything ending in -azole) are not effective. But other treatments work fine such as boric acid. But no matter what comes of it you can be sure you don't have HIV. I hope this has helped. Best wishes

2015-04-07 10:28:03
