
Student Worries

Hi Doctor I was in Brazil last month and had sex with 4 prostitutes on May 1214 and 24. I used protection all of those time and after removing checked for any tears too and found none no slippage as well. 1 week after sex I had this weird tingling sensation in my throat and acid re fluxes starting from June 1. I immediately saw a doctor who said its just an infection and gave me Hexamedine oral spray. Did not make a lot of difference. I got tested on June 3 (7 days after the last sex encounter and 18 days the first sex encounter). All that exists in STD from gonoreha to HIV 1/2 and used the 4th gen test methods. Everything was negative. I was not satisfied with my throat condition so I saw another doctor (General Physician) he noticed white discoloration of my tongue and said it was tonsillitis and said I was not drinking enough water which was true at that moment. I am a 27 yr old man now I am not sure whether there are tonsil issues at my age. He did another test on June 10 for fungal infection in blood and that too was negative. As of now that white tongue issue still exists with little swelling exactly under the ears no pain no fever no flu and no other gland swollen just dry throat and tongue. I am not sure whether this is a cause of worry for me I did had oral sex licked the Vagina but the girls looked clean. My question is should i be worried about my throat issue or its just another normal/regular infection because the timing of the infection seems to be off and I am worried that this might be oral thrush or something like that. Also I wanted to ask how accurate these results are for STDs between when I had sex (May 24) and got tested (June 3). Please advise.

2015-04-07 10:32:12




Welcome to the forum. Thanks for your question. You really needn't worry at all about HIV. First the statistical odds any of your Brazilian partners had HIV is low; heterosexual HIV transmission is more common in Brazil than in North America but still the large majority of female sex workers in that country don't have HIV. Second you used condoms which didn't fail. Third your symptoms are meaningless in regard to. They aren't typical for HIV (or for any STD) -- almost certainly your doctor was right just a minor viral infection. (Viruses don't respond to any treatment -- they just have to clear up on their own -- which is why the oral spray didn't help.) White tongue can accompany just about any minor viral infection allergy etc. And neither HIV nor any other STD causes acid reflux symptoms. And then we have your test results. The negtaive gonorrhea and chlamydia tests are conclusive. The negative 4th generation HIV blood tests also are very reassuring; they clear you from HIV infection during the first of your 4 exposures and the June 10 result is probably 70-80% reliable for the most recent event. My advice is to sit tight and not worry about HIV; it is exceedingly unlikely. To be maximally safe have another 4th generation blood test when 4 weeks have passed since the last exposure. You definitely can expect it to remain negative.

2015-04-07 10:32:57
