
Need help Please

Dr I was in a very abusive relation 3 yrs ago ex -BF very promiscuous I developed sympts few wks - 2mons after exposure all of them few days apart. I felt sand in my mouth x 1 day chills neck nodes and few days later had non itchy red flat rash on face back and trunk. I tested for hiv multiple times. I tested RPR at 6 mos 2 yrs 21/2 yrs. was negative I moved on with my life. I have 9 month old was tested hiv and rpr in pregnancy negative that would be 21/2 yrs from exposure. iam pegnant again I read abt negative rpr in latent syphilis. past 2 wks I have been feeling tingling sensation in my upper back on right side. I had hiv rpr again negative I requested my doctor to order FTA- ABS that came weakly reactive this time. I am already 18 wks into my pregnancy. my current partner got tested for all std prior starting relationship. 1) Why was my RPR at 6mon 2 yrs 21/2 yrs negative - Prozone effect and was I in latent syphilis? 2) My child is healthy if he had got syphilis from me if he gets benzathine PCN now will this stop progression of this disease in him? what are the chances? 3) Shall I go ahead with PCN for myself? 4) RPR nega FTA- ABS weak positive means am I infectious to my unborn child? or others? 5) DUe to tingling sensation do you think I am in early stages of neurosyphilis . I am close to 3/12 - 4 yrs from my exposure.

2015-04-07 10:45:00




Welcome back to the Forum. I'll try to help but without seeing your precise test results I can only go so far. My guess is that your test is actually negative. The FTA test is a test in which specimens are looked at under the microscope see if a person has antibodies to the syphilis bacterial based on whether special reagents make the test glow or not (it is complicated). Normal people without syphilis often have small amounts of non-syphilis antibodies that lead to small amounts of glowing (the test is scored from 1+ to 4+ 1+ glowing is negative). My suspicion is that your specimen causes a 1+ reaction and is negative. The subjective nature of the FTA test (i.e. how much glow is present) is part of the reason it is not typically used for syphilis testing. 1) Why was my RPR at 6mon 2 yrs 21/2 yrs negative - Prozone effect and was I in latent syphilis? Neither. See above. I suspect you do not have syphilis at all. I would suggest you have another test called a TPPA to find out. If it is negative then you do not have syphilis. If it is positive then you should consider treatment options. 2) My child is healthy if he had got syphilis from me if he gets benzathine PCN now will this stop progression of this disease in him? what are the chances? I doubt that your child has syphilis either. You can easily find out if you test him for syphilis. 3) Shall I go ahead with PCN for myself? See above. Find out what is going on. Discuss it with an expert. 4) RPR nega FTA- ABS weak positive means am I infectious to my unborn child? or others? Same answers as above. 5) DUe to tingling sensation do you think I am in early stages of neurosyphilis . I am close to 3/12 - 4 yrs from my exposure. no. I understand that when one is pregnant you want to do everything possible for your unborn child. My guess however is that you do not have syphilis and that your FTA test is not truely positive. Please discuss this with your doctor and if he or she is not familiar with syphilis testing have them discuss the situation with an expert.

2015-04-07 10:45:24
