Hi Doctor! Here is my story; 7 weeks ago i got sexual intercourse that was mutual oral and insertive anal for 2 minutes unprotected with a guy That days after i notice is hiv positive; i'm totally freak and sad. Exactly 4 weeks after i feel sore throat with pus headache weight lost ear and jaw pain in one side and muscle ache. I visites 2 Doctors That gave me antibiotics for the infection but At this time 7 weeks still remain!!! almost 11 Days with antibiotics and the symptoms stay there. No fever no rash or nodes. At time i got 3 hiv combo test 4th generation at 29 35 and 43 Days after the exposure all non reactive. I would Like to know the acurrancy of these test at each time because i supose That If i got the virus the test Shoud be positive? Is there a chance That these test turn positive at the 3 month mark? I feel so Bad because in one hand i Have the negative tests at 6 week and in the other Hand i feel the symptoms. Thanks for your time and Answer.
2015-04-07 04:43:09
Welcome to the forum. Thanks for your question which came in while I was logged in. We are not an emergency or 24/7 service and users should not expect immediate replies. The most important information in your question -- in fact the only information that matters -- is your test results. They prove you do not have HIV from the contact described. It is not possible to have HIV and have a negative 4th generation HIV blood test 4 weeks or more after the last possible exposure. Your 29 day test was conclusive; the ones thereafter were unnecessary. As that implies the test resuls always overrule exposure history and symtoms (symptoms). Even though the anal sex exposure (but not oral sex) was high risk because your parnter has HIV the test results prove you didn't catch it. Finally your test results prove your symptoms are not due to HIV. They aren't typical for a new HIV infection anyway. There are many medical conditions aside from HIV (most of them minor) that oould cause such symptoms. Continue to work with your doctor if the symptoms continue or you remain concerned about them. But you can put HIV out of your mind. For certain you do not have it. I hope these comments have been helpful. Best wishes and stay safe--
2015-04-07 04:44:09