
receiving oral sex-worried

Dear Dr. HHH I am a 25 year old male. Stupid I was yesterday I visited a massage palor. The massager suddently lick my penis for like 10 seconds and then put it in her mouth for like 10 seconds. Then I stopped her. I guess this is a UNPROTECTED ORAL SEX. Nothing else happened no penetrative virgina/anal sex. I have search the info on the internet and people saying it is possible to get infected. I was terrified and they claimed that there are cases out there where people get infected by HIV by receiving oral sex. I was scared if there are hiv virus in her mouth. I am not sure if there are wounds or sores in her mouth or her hiv status: 1) She lick my penis so the saliva might contrain virus and pass it to me? 2) She strock my penis for 10 seconds before I stopped her. This part terrified me most I know saliva contains limited hiv virus. But what if there are wounds in her mouth? I have consulted the doctors they all say that it is possible to get AIDS this way and asked me to make a test. I am so worried. Please help. Thanks.

2015-04-07 05:50:28




Welcome to the Forum. Welcome to the Forum. Dr. Handsfield and I share the forum and answer questions based on our availability. As it happens I will be answering your question. For better or worse clients are not able to request a response from one or the other of us and once someone receives a response from one of us the other will not chime in. This approach allows us to assist more MedHelp clients. FYI part of the basis for our partnership is that while our verbal styles may differ Dr. Handsfield and I have worked together for more than 30 years and have never come to different conclusions in our advice to MedHelp clients. The doctors you have spoken with are incorrect. The activities you received are receipt of oral sex and receipt of masturbation. neither one of these activities has ever been scientifically proven to result in acquisition of HIV- not ever. You will not be the first. There is no reason for you to worry about risk for HIV from the activities that you describe. As for other STIs oral sex is an inefficient way to transmit STDs. Even among persons with many sex partners oral infections are uncommon and for a number of biological factors too complex to go into here the efficiency of transmission of infections through oral sex is lower than for penetrative genital-vaginal or –anal sex. Of the bacterial STDs only gonorrhea and nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) are transmitted through oral sex; for all practical purposes chlamydia is not and without an obvious sore or lesion on your partner’s mouth the chances of syphilis and herpes is likewise tiny. If you had gotten gonorrhea or NGU you will most likely develop symptoms of urethritis (penile infection) such as a penile discharge or discomfort on urination within a week of your exposure. Even if your partner had an STD (any STD and it is likely she did not) most exposures do not lead to infection. In your case your exposure was brief; I would urge you not to worry. If you must you could go to your local STD clinic or health care provider to be tested at this time. The tests will be negative and in my opinion you do not need testing at all. I hope this comment is helpful to you

2015-04-07 05:51:42
