Hi Dr again
I had sex with girl two months back who found out later that she had unprotected sex with alot of guys.
To make my story short .
I had sex with her two times same night protected for both and receive unprotected oral ( deep thought ) .
1. The condom was loose and it slipped off when i exit my penis .
2. I had pimple on ba
2015-04-08 11:28:08
Welcome to the forum. Thanks for your question.
Proper condom use includes holding onto it during withdrawal so the penis doesn't pull out and leave the condom behind. However it's a minor detail. When such slippage happens protection usually is considered complete since there is little or no contact with the partner's genital fluids. The important part of condom protection is that the head of hte penis and urethral opening are covered. Even with proper use there usually is some contact of fluids with the skin above the condom. This poses little risk for STDs and none for HIV.
A pimple at the ba
2015-04-08 11:28:30