

Dr. Hunter or Dr. Edward can you help me? I'm a little bit worried about two situations. The first one was on February (unprotected vaginal sex with my girlfriend) and the second one was oral unprotected oral sex at March (i was passive). After that i started to be a little bit confused because i dont know when do the counting for testing. If i count from the 17 th February i've made 7 tests. One 4th generation at 11 week rapid test at 12 week rapid test at 13 week 4th generation at 14 week and rapid test at the same week 15 week rapid test and 16 week rapid test. If i count from the oral episode i count 6 week 4th generation test 7 week rapid test 8 week rapid test 9 week 4 th generation and rapid test 10 week rapid and 11 week rapid. This was my only unprotected exposure with a girl and she already did a rapid test with at least 5 months and a half. I guess that i'm so anxious with this can i move on with my life?Can you help me? Thank you

2015-04-08 11:29:07




Welcome to the forum. I'll try to help but not sure I can. SEVEN tests??? All those tests in an obviously very low risk situation -- probably zero risk -- implies an unrealistic (in fact irrational) fear of HIV. Hearing the facts and expert advice usually don't help people with such fears. A 4th gen test 4 weeks or more after the last possible exposure as well as an antibody test (including rapid test) more than 3 months is always 100% conclusive. In addition oral sex is risk free and anyway your partner's test shows she doesn't have HIV. Bottom line: you have not been at risk for HIV and for sure you don't have it. Don't have any more tests. Best wishes

2015-04-08 11:29:35
