Welcome to our Forum. I'll be pleased to comment. Most of what you describe had no risk at all for HIV. There is no known risk for HIV acquisition from kissing mutual masturbation including anal masturbation from receipt of unprotected oral sex or from condom protected intercourse of any sort. There appears to be a very small risk for HIV IF your partner was infected (it appears you do not know if he was or not and most men are not) from performing oral sex on an HIV infected partner. This risk is calculated as less than 1 infection per 10000 acts of oral sex (i.e. like performing orals sex on an infected partner once daily for 2 more than 27 years). There is no data that poor dental hygiene/gum diseases increases risk. Thus to summarize the risk for HIV from this encounter was low. In the future I would recommend that you also ask your partners if they have HIV before engaging in sex. Most people will tell the truth. I hope these comments are helpful to you. I see no urgent need for HIV testing however it is reasonable if you wish to be entirely sure to seek testing with a 4th generation DUO test 4 weeks after the encounter. I hope this comment is helpful.
2015-04-08 11:33:34