
Do I have any Risk for HIV/AIDS

I had got HIV tests done . Below are the results 1) Date: June 03 2014 Test Name: HIV 1 & 2 Antibodies Western Blot Serum The final test was NEGATIVE ; However the final result said values for HIV-1 & 2 Antibodies Screening Test (CMIA) as 0.14 . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Date: 29th May 2014: Test Name: Chemiluminescence- VITROS Immunodiagnostic Systems. Final Parameter Result: HIV 1 & 2 Antibodies: BORDERLINE Please let me know if I should be concerned. Any Advice ? EMAIL: monga.***@****

2015-04-08 11:34:25




Welcome to the forum. Thanks for a sucinct question; my reply is similar. The borderline result on the first test (chemoluminscence May 29) was indeterminate i.e. uncertain positive versus negative. Most such results turn out to be negative for HIV as it did in you. Your second test (actually two tests CMIA and Western blot) confirmed that the first test was false as expected: for sure you do not have HIV. All this assumes the tests were done at least 6 weeks after your last possible exposure to HIV. If you might have been at risk more recently than that you should consider having another test when 6 weeks have past. For any future testing avoid the chemiluminscence-VITROS test which might give the same false positive results. I hope this has been helpful.

2015-04-08 11:34:52
