
DUO test

Hello Doctors Few weeks ago I had unprotected oral sex where I was the receptive partner. He ejaculated in my mouth and I swallowed immediately. I had a small wound in my mouth and now I'm really scared. and also don't know if it makes any difference but he was circumsized. He told me he gets tested regularly and his results were negative for all STD's and that I was worrying needlessly but the thing is he told me the last time he got tested was 2 months ago so I took a HIV DUO test at 18 days. But the exact same night (18th day) I had chills and shivering for one night. The next day I had a sore throat and 4 hard and non-tender lymph nodes on my chin and neck I can move them without feeling pain. No lymph nodes under my armpits behind my ears or anywhere else. I received my results the other day and it was negative. I still have the nodes and the sore throat but chills I had was for one night only. I don't have a chance to get tested until September cause I'm visiting my parents right now for summer and don't want to get tested here because we have a lack of confidentiality in our hospitals and GUM clinics. So my questions are: - Can the sympthoms I had on 18th night be due the seroconversion ? - If it was is it possible that DUO test failed to detect the antigens since it might have happened the same day I got tested? - Do you recommend any more testing? Many thanks.

2015-04-08 11:41:50




Welcome to the Forum. I'll be glad to comment. The chance that your current illness is due to HIV is very very low. Your partner is low risk (most people tell the truth) and almost no (less than 1 in 10000) persons performing oral sex on a partner with HIV will become infected. The fact that your symptoms however started at about the same time as you were tested with a 4th generation test means that you cannot count on this result having ruled out HIV. I suspect that your symptoms are simply one of the sorts of summer non-STI viral illnesses that most people get from time to time and not HIV. If your 4th generation test is still negative 3-4 days after the symptoms began then it is almost certain that they are not due to HIV. In addition 4th generation tests are completely conclusive 4 weeks after an exposure. I hope these comments are helpful. I have to run out but will be back on line in about an hour if there are further questions

2015-04-08 11:42:13
