
HIV risk with urethra - semen contact?

After having an orgasm (onto myself) the person I was with this morning decided to push the tip of his penis into the semen (just a second or so after the orgasm) so it is possible some went into the urethra. There was no sexual penetration but I am wondering is this is pretty much the same. Does this pose an HIV risk? I started on PEP three days ago due to a broken condom incident (when the active partner of somebody whose status I do not know). Thus I am wondering if I exposed my partner today (going off the assumption I was infected on Monday).

2015-04-08 03:00:25




Welcome to the Forum. Although it is not your question I feel the need to point out that PEP is not typically recommended for persons who have had sex with partners of unknown HIV status. Thus the chance that you have HIV and that your partner could therefore be even at theoretical risk is essentially zero. Even if you did have HIV however the sort of action you describe is essentially that same as when partners get each others' genital secretions on one another in the course of mutual masturbation and such exposures are no risk for HIV transmission I would not worry about this event for both of the reasons I have mentioned. I hope my comment is helpful.

2015-04-08 03:02:22
