
Confused about different posts

Hi First of all thanks for the great service you are offering I am a man with no STD what so ever. Two days ago I had un protected vaginal rubbing with my penis with diff positions that took sometime but no penetration at all. But I can assure you there was plenty of vaginal secretions on the outside that's in addition to so much fingering and there was no cuts at all in my fingers or penis. For my partner she had one un protected vaginal sex with a man with unknown hiv status and she tested with the combo/duo test 25-26 days post exposure and the test was negative. For my specific questions: 1- Was I at risk with the exposure I describe even if she was hiv positive ? 2- How conclusive are her test results and does 25 to 28 days makes that diff to tell how conclusive are the results ? Thanks a lot

2015-04-08 03:03:03




Welcome to the forum. Thanks for your question. The title suggests you have found some conflicting information on these issues but these must involve other websites. On this forum our replies to questions of this sort have never changed. To your specific questions: 1) Exposure to sexual secretions fluids by genital apposition (without penetration) could in theory carry some risk of HIV transmission. However such exposures appear to be risk-free in the real world. To my knowledge there have been no reported instances of HIV transmission in this manner. 2) The duo HIV test (for both antibody and antigen) is considered conclusive anytime 28 days or more after the last exposure. There probably is little if any difference between 25 and 28 days so you can consider your partner's negative test to be conclusive. In addition even before she was tested the chance your partner had HIV was under 1 in 1000 regardless of her recent sex with a man of "unknown status" -- has HIV is well under 1 chance in 1000. So considering all the information available for sure you were not exposed to HIV and there is no chance you were infected. So no need for worry nor for any further testing for either you or your partner. I hope this has helped. Best wishes

2015-04-08 03:03:40
