I had a cut cooking my breakfast my wound did not require stitches but if I bleed during period 10 min. The wound was with a kitchen knife. If I touch my skin slightly damaged back bleeding even with the simple movement of hand washing. My wound was about 3 cm. Visit a sex shop that day in the afternoon between the rooms where people masturbate and have sex. I am aware of my wounded finger. Do not do any kind of sex or masturbation. My fear begins to think that I inadvertently touched some fluid on chairs walls. Is that the virus does not survive contact with the air but not if someone use that chair to masturbate and leave your fluids in any superticie. Maybe it sounds a little paranoid but sex shop is visited and most clients are gay. My life is turning around this situation everything tells me about hiv news tv series until I got to see an episode of dr house where patient coughs blood and falls into an eye of a Doctor I know that does not compare but if I say maybe sprinkle some of those fluids to my wound I understand it must be very deep and direct contact but really scared to death. I must fulfill some kind of test? Hopefully they can tell me if I have some kind of risk to be minimal. Thank you very much God bless you.
2015-04-08 03:05:37
Welcome to the forum. You can relax. There is no HIV risk by contact with infected blood or body fluids in the environment i.e. outside direct sexual contact or sharing injection equipment. While in theory one can imagine a risk in the presence of a fresh bleeding cut it has never been known to happen. Your cut was too old to be a risk even if directly exposed and if it didn't have obvious contact with visible blood or wet body fluids there was for sure no risk. In summary you need not be worried at all do not need to be tested and if you have a regular sex partner you can safely continue your normal sexual practices without fear of transmitting HIV. I hope this has been helpful. Best wishes
2015-04-08 03:06:12