Hi Doctors
I am a 42 year old female. Three weeks ago I had unprotected sex with a 37 year old male of unknown status. We had vaginal sex three times and he pulled out each time. He is not an I.V. drug user. He is not bisexual. According to him he has had unprotected sex (some and/or all of it around the same time he had sex with me) with three other women besides me since his last negative hiv test (which was in December of 2013).
I had a negative rapid finger blood test 6 days after the incident.
I called an hiv hotline and was advised to have a combo Naat/PCR test at four weeks (which is one week from now). It will cost me $760 to have the test but I am willing to put it on my credit card if it saves me two more weeks of not knowing. I was also told a rapid finger (Unigold specifically) test would be very reliable at 30 days.
Here are my questions:
1. I realize I either have it or I don’t and only testing will tell. Still ba
2015-04-08 03:13:54
Welcome to our Forum. I'll be happy to provide my perspective to your questions. It is unlikely that you acquired HIV from the exposures that you describe. Your partner was not in a risk group for HIV and despite the fact that he has had three other sex partners since his last HIV test (good for him for acknowledging this) I suspect his recent behavior is not too different from the behaviors he has practiced while remaining HIV - for the past 37 years. On average fewer than 1 in 1000 American men have HIV and this man's risk is if anything lower than average. Further average risk for HIV from a single sexual exposure to an HIV infected partner is less than 1 infection per 1000 sex acts thus even if he had HIV your risk for infection is less than 1/3 of 1%. With regard to your specific questions:
1. I realize I either have it or I don’t and only testing will tell. Still ba
2015-04-08 03:14:26