Hi there I am a bisexual male in what should be a monogamous relationship with a female partner. About 6 weeks ago I made the mistake of engaging in sexual relations with 2 men. With the first we kissed and gave one another mutual oral sex. He did not ejaculate in my mouth but I did taste some precum (the duration was a few minutes in length). We ended by masturbating together and some of his ejaculate may have come in contact with the head of my penis (I am uncircumcised). I would like to know if the oral sex encounter in which I did the sucking could be a risk for HIV as well as the ejaculate coming into contact with the head of my penis with being uncircumcised? The second man that I was with gave me oral sex (sucked my ****) and it was somewhat rough. I orally serviced his testicles only. However He did finger my anus through my clothes as i kept my clothes on through the encounter. He was so aggressive though that he ripped through a piece of my clothing. We also kissed quite a bit very heavy and aggressive kissing for an extended period of time. I would like to know if any of what I have described with this second man can be seen as a risk for HIV infection? I did have a small abrasion in my mouth at the time which is why I specifically chose to refrain from giving him oral sex. I am very worried about both encounters. Finally is it at all possible for ARS Symptoms to present themselves as early as 2 days following infection?? Specifically the fever associated with ARS? Have either of you ever seen that happen? Any help and assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated and tremendously respected.
2015-04-08 03:16:37
Welcome to the forum. You have little to worry about. HIV is rarely transmitted sexually between men except through unprotected anal sex. Oral sex is extremely low risk if any at all (some experts believe truly zero risk). And while direct contact of your partner's semen with your penis can't be classfied as zero risk there are no reported cases of transmission by such contact. And oral contact with other skin surfaces (e.g. scrotum) for sure is no risk at all. If you are in contact with your partners I suggest you ask them about their HIV status. (Of course you should have done that before contact with them and I would encourage that for future sexual exposures with other men. People rarely lie about HIV status and this is an important HIV prevention measure.) It is definitely not possible for ARS to cause fever or any other symptoms as soon as 2 days after exposure. The mimimum probably is 8-10 days. From a strictly medical or risk standpoint you don't need HIV testing. And if your partners confirm they don't have HIV (and have been tested recently) for sure testing isn't necessary. OTOH most people with sufficient concern to ask questions on a forum like this should be tested regardless of how high the risk was. A negative HIV test result might be more reassuring than anything I can say. Bottom line: minimal if any risk and any testing you might do is optional. If somehow I were in your circumstance I would continue unprotected sex with my wife without fear of infecting her. I hope this information has been helpful. Best wishes stay safe -- and in the future please get into the habit of discussing HIV status with male partners even when entirely safe sex is planned.
2015-04-08 03:17:06