Am aware not to read into symptoms but in regards to the ARS sore throat are they similar to tonsillitis symptoms? And is it possible that it would be intermittent like 3 times in a 6 week period and times in between the throat is fine? Would this be the only symptom? Thank you
2015-04-08 03:21:36
Welcome to the forum.
The answer to your first question is yes: the sore throat from ARS would feel no different than that due to any garden variety cold strep throat or tonsillitis from any cause. However the answer to the second is no: sore throat associated with ARS does not occur alone only in combination with other symptoms like fever generalized (widespread) lymph node inflammation and usually a skin rash; and does not recur -- ARS generally is a monophasic illness without recurrent symptoms over several weeks.
I note your other recent questions on the STD forum as well as discussions on the OCD community forum -- all of which indicate that the main problem underlying this question is likely your OCD. In any case unless you have been at risk for HIV infection (and ba
2015-04-08 03:22:02