My mum has high nighttime blood pressure She takes Duride (Isosorbide mononitrate) 60 mg controlled release about 7am in the morning and the drop off in the morning is usually quite rapid ( within 20-30 mins) during the day ( we take it every hour) (8am - 7pm) her BP is around 140-160/70-90 at night she takes Diltiazem 120mg controlled release ( 8pm-8am) sometimes 150-200/70-90 even if she wakes to use the toilet its commonly 180 ! As she is a inverse dipper ( high bp at night) I want to know can we swap the meds taking the diltiazem in the morning and the Duride at night reason : it appears the duride has a greater effect on her BP than the diltiazem.
2015-04-10 02:44:28
I think that the fact that the BP goes up at night is against the normal trend. It could possibly suggest a secondary cause of the Hypertestion? It may be worth getting checked out for other things like Adrenal gland issues etc?
2015-04-10 02:44:59