
Is Beetroot Capsule a high blood pressure drug ?

I came on board sometime ago am I mentioned that I had issues of slight elevation of my blood pressure its was first 150/100 then afterwards after it became 140/100 which was still considered slightly high. Then someone suggested that I take beetroot capsules. I have purchased them and ready to take them but I again read that blood thinners are not good. Question : Is this Beetroot Capsule a high blood pressure medication/blood thinner ? As I want to get it clear . Please respond

2015-04-10 03:14:11




Beets contains nitrates which open up blood vessels and therefore lower blood pressure (similar to being given a nitroglycerin tab under the tongue if you are having chest pains thought to be related to a heart attack.) Please know however that all supplements such as beetroot capsules are NOT studied by the FDA and should not be substituted for actual medicine. What does your doctor say about your blood pressure?

2015-04-10 03:14:34
