For the past few weeks I've had a resting bp averaging 145/70 not really sure why my systolic is always high all the time. I've had some tests done on my kidneys and bloodwork all was fine then. I'm 23 yrs old I've always been an active person in sports gym exc...normal weight for my 6'3 height... but I had recently started bp meds a little over a Year ago. Which I had high readings then but not all the time sometimes 150-170....bottom numbers always been normal. What's going on???! Should I be worried? How long does it take for it to affect my body...
2015-04-10 03:15:49
We can't possibly know what is going on honey. I do know that my doctor tells me 145 systolic is not considered high. BUT...I'm 30 years older than you. I would call your doctor ask for a call-back and see what he/she says. Try to isn't anywhere NEAR high enough to hurt you...but as I said I can't know what is going on with your total health. I'm assuming that you know to: 1. Take your BP while you're sitting and have been sitting for at least 5-10 minutes. 2. Arms at your side breathing normally. 3. NO talking while taking BP. 4. Don't take it right after eating or exercising.
2015-04-10 03:16:16