
BP for Adults

Hi I'm 26 yes old male working as software professional . My weight is 81 kgs and height is 5 ft and 8 inches I went for BP check up recently and i was shocked to see 3 different readings.. first time it was 140/100 second time it was 120/90 third time it was 150/90 do i seriously have a problem with my health ?

2015-04-10 03:21:44




Hello While your BP readings are slightly elevated you do not have dangerously high blood pressure. You might have "white coat syndrome" where your readings are higher at the doctors office or clinic and would be lower at home. There are a bunch of factors that contribute to elevated blood pressure: Genetics: (some people just have hypertension so matter how healthy they are and they must take meds for it.) Weight: (losing even 10% of body weight might make a difference) Exercise: A brisk 30 minute walk at least 4-5 times a week will improve your health. Diet: A diet high in salt fat sugar and CAFFEINE can cause higher readings. You ask if you have a serious problem with your health. We cannot possibly answer that since we don't know you and we are not doctors. Your BP is slightly elevated and you do not want it to go higher than it is. If I were you: 1. I'd make an appointment with a doctor and get a thorough physical. Then ask him/her what is the status of your health. 2. Do you exercise? If not now would be a good time to start and make it a life-long habit. 3. Try to decrease the amount of salt in your diet and cut out caffeine completely. Good luck...keep in touch!

2015-04-10 03:22:15
