I recently had an echo done due to xray of heart in ER that showed prominent silloute. I had severe anemia 4.5 I was admitted given blood transfusion and iron therapy now for 3 months...went to ER due to fast heart rate while walking climbing stairs..no shortness of breath. Found I have a large fibroid and heavy bleeding caused my anemia. Since treated can walk miles with no fast heart rate ect...no more edema in ankles legs or feet. My question is this after some back ground. I had echo done two weeks ago and everything normal but moderate mitral valve regurg. Mild Tricuspid regurg. And left atrial mildly enlarged...mild pulmonary hypertension with RSVP at 37. My cardiologist not doing anything but watching and I return in Jan. Is this normal to watch and not medicate? I have been very worried about PH and thoughts of this being death sentence...I have no symptoms at all now since anemia treated....please do I have anything to worry about? BTW...right Atrium right ventricle all normal size...no stenosis in any valves..EF 55%-60%.
2015-04-10 03:27:05
Nobody answered but curious if you got the information you needed. If the right atrium and right ventricle were normal in size then the likelihood of PH is pretty minimal. The RSVP is estimated off the tricuspid regurgitation jet (which almost all healthy people have) so its quite normal to see readings higher than 35. Some people even show numbers in the 40's and after performing a right heart cath they find its completely normal. Overestimated by ECHO more than underestimated.
2015-04-10 03:27:28