
how to measure BP

Hi I know that blood pressure should be between 120-40/80-90 to be safe and ideally under 120/80. When do you measure this. A doctor told me I should measure it in the morning before getting up. Should I make 1 or more readings. Or shoud I measure it later in the day also. When Im in doctors place my bllod pressure is often 150/100 or similar. When Im at home its more like 140/80. My current cardiologist says I shoudlnt worry. But I might bring it up with him or my GP soon. I want to measure my BP for a week minimum. How shoud I go about this to get a reliable result to show to my doctor(or not show if numbers are okay).

2015-04-10 03:41:55




Hi...thinking on BP and what is considered "high" has been changed recently. A lot depends on age. Anything below 140/90 was considered normal. Below 120/80 would be low BP pressure. Recently guidelines were revised and healthy adults over 50 who don't have co-morbidities (other health conditions) can be considered normal up to a systolic (top number ) of 150. You should take your BP the following way: 1. NOT after eating drinking consuming caffeine or exercise. 2. Sitting calmly for 10 minutes or more no talking while taking it. 3. Hands resting comfortably at your side. You can take it in the morning and the evening but unless your doctor advises you differently not more than twice a day. It is VERY normal for your blood pressure to go up or down 10-20 points throughout the day. An average of readings over several days will give you the best idea of what your actual reading is. It's also common for your BP to be higher at the doctor's office. This is known as "white-coat" syndrome. Good luck.

2015-04-10 03:42:28
