Hi all I have had controlled high blood pressure for over four years but on New Years Eve I visited my doctor for chest pain and found that my blood pressure was 173/109. She immediately sent me down to A&E and on arrival my BP was 224/138 obviously huge cause for concern. After numerous tests and being given amlopodine I was allowed home. My question is why would this suddenly have happened after having controlled BP. I hadn't missed any medication although four months ago my GP had lowered my dosage of Losartan from 50mg to 25mg. Clearly I am really anxious about this now and of course that isn't helping things.
2015-04-13 11:12:58
No one can say for sure why our bodies react the way they do. My mom had very high blood pressure for 30 years and then all of sudden over the course of several months it normalized. No idea why. You stated you were sent to "A & E"...are you in Europe? I'm not familiar with what that means. It's possible that because you were found to have high BP and sent somewhere right away for immediate care that you got anxious. Mood has a tremendous affect on blood pressure. One's readings can get very highbut then settle down again. Its' when a reading stays consistently high that doctors usually prescribe medication and tell us we have hypertension. Our bodies are always changing...especially a woman's. We're getting older the amount of estrogen and progesterone we produce changes dramatically over time we might gain/lose weight or life situation changes all sorts of things. As long as you are on medication and your BP is controlled try not to worry about it. Be GRATEFUL we have such a wide array of drugs to treat hypertension. 100 years ago these didn't exist and being that high blood pressure often produces NO symptoms (which is why it is called "the silent killer.") people a long time ago suffered all kinds of physical ailments including kidney failure strokes heart attacks etc. Today one can be on high blood pressure medication and live to be a 100 or more. Most people in fact WILL develop hypertension if they just live long enough. Not all but most. You'll be okay...try not to worry...good luck
2015-04-13 11:13:39