I am a student at Brown University in Providence RI USA doing a project on constant blood pressure monitoring. Instead of using a blood pressure cuff you'd wear a patch or a bracelet-like device that would monitor your blood pressure 24/7 and you'd be able to track your measurements on your smartphone or computer. Do you think such a device would help you monitor your condition better? What are some current problems people have with their blood pressure cuffs? All responses will be anonymous and will never be published in any way shape or form beyond this class project. Thank you very much!
2015-04-15 04:13:40
Hi The project sounds promising and it would be great to have an application in your phone that monitors your blood pressure all the time. Like many other projects there are many possible factors also that needs to be addressed such as the type of cuff medical history of each patient the medications being taken among others as well as physiologic causes of blood pressure increase that may have an effect on the blood pressure reading. I hope this helps. Take care and do keep us posted with your project's updates.
2015-04-15 04:14:01