
episodic hypertension

I have sporadic periods of hypertension where my bp will spike well over 160/110. They can last for days or just an hour but it is causing me a lot of problems because they can occur at anytime. When the bp spikes happen at night I wake up shaking. I cannot take beta blockers because they make my bp go even higher. I am taking clonidine when I have these spikes. I am unable to take any other blood pressure medicine because at times my blood pressure is normal and bp meds will make it go too low. I have been tested for a pheochromocytoma sometimes the tests are positive and sometimes they are negative. I also am hypokalemic and take quite a bit of potassium daily. In addition I have extreme fatigue shaking from time to time muscle pain/weakness. I usually am hot when others in the same room are fine and have episodes of sweating and facial flushing. I run a fever from time to time have a rash from time to time and tinnitus. I also have sleep apnea and sleep with a CPAP every night.

2015-04-20 02:34:59




It is just like eating beets just as beet powder makes it a lot easier....just mix like 2 tablespoons of beet root powder in water and drink. They sell it on ebay for like $20 a pound. It lowers blood pressure naturally and is packed with vitamins and minerals etc etc. You should google search it there are studys on it.

2015-04-20 02:36:06
