i have been having extremely bad pain in the lower part of my stomach underneath my belly botton cramps but horrible cramps its been 4 days in a row at night and morning is when it gets horrible so i went to the hospital and the ran blood test on me amd the urine test it came out positive of pregnancy but once they did the ultra sound they did n out find anything there so they told me i was not pregnant that it was just a bladder infection or urine infection but ive had urine infections before and what i feel is nothing how i felt when i had the urine infeccctiom im not sure if its my apendex that needs to be removed ?or my kidney ?
2015-05-06 05:33:24
It sounds to me like you need to stay in close contact with your doctor and follow up closely with him/her to clear up this situation for you. From your desc
2015-05-06 05:33:58