need advice 1 month ago i went to the ER severe pain and vomiting lasted 6 hours was kept overnight did CT scan said i had 6 mm stone in ureter (about as low as it can go said urologist) Its been over a month now and i have had NO pain since leaving the hospital met with urologist 3 weeks after my experience said i still had some blood in my urine said he thinks still there. Had KUB done but showed nothinghe said i could do nothing have cT or surgery i DON"T want to do surgery especially since i don't have ANY pain i have opted for CT scan goin now 4 weeks+ after my incident seeing urologist again after CT when do you HAVE to have surgery?? can i just wait see if my body will take care on its own. I've already been passing some sand like stuff maybe its broken up.. I"m 55 year old female active runner (run over 40 half marathons) and play competitive tennis.. oh and I ran half marathon 2 weeks after i had my incident still no pain or real evidence its passed.. any opinions or thoughts are welcomed!!!!
2015-05-06 05:39:05
With the exception of 2 kidney stone incidents in my 30 plus years of dealing with these darn things all my stones have passed on their own after in most of the instances my having to go to the ER and getting a shot of Demerol. Ironically those two instances were one of my first stones back in about 85 and then just recently last year when the Urologist had to go in and remove three stones after my dealing with them from March to early April. BTW I'm a 68 year old male just for the record. When you have to have surgery to remove a stone in my opinion largely depends on a couple of factors. One is a health issue and basically is the stone blocking the flow of urine from your kidney or causing your kidney or any other part of your system any major damage. Please keep in mind that I had a professional friend a judge lose one of his kidneys and had to have it removed completely due to the damage done to it by a large stone. The other reason in my opinion is whether or not you are having severe pain (continued or intermittent) from a stone or stones and whether or not you can handle that pain for however long it takes it or them to pass on their own. My surgery to remove those three stones last year was done because after a period of 8 weeks or so and the 3 stones had not passed on their own I couldn't handle the periods of intermittent severe pain that would come and go and basically would come whenever it wanted to with no warning of any kind. Apparently your Urologist has seen your most recent Cat Scan and has seen that the stone is still there. Also apparently he/she doesn't feel that it is causing you any health or medical problems and hasn't recommended that you have surgery at this time. It's kind of up to you then at this point as to what you do and whether or not you ride it out to see if it will pass on its own or have the Urologist remove it. One more thing you should know is that a kidney stone of 6mm in size is questionable as to whether or not it can or will pass on its own from my understanding from my Urologist. 5 mm is usually the biggst they say that can easily pass on its own and that's no guarantee either. Yours has already made it to your ureter so at least it's not still in your kindey and that size.
2015-05-06 05:39:33