

Please excuse the length of this post. I was in the er for something other than kidney stones they did a ct scan and told me I had an ulcer and gastritis. and by the way it was detected that there is stone in the kidney... no other information gave me prescriptions and told me to follow up with my dr. Only problem is high deductible so all of the er visit will be out of pocket insurance wont pay but for one office visit per year. I really don't want to spend $288. additional for dr visit if all they are going to say is - this too shall pass - Is it safe just to wait to find out if the stone will pass on its own?? I have had one episode of passing a stone and it must have been very small as I didn't experience anything other than mild discomfort.

2015-05-07 04:52:39




Ouch I'm sorry it sounds like you've had a rough go of it. If i were you the very first thing i would do is obtain a copy of your radiology report. Ive had tons of ct's and I've made it my own personal practice. It should state the location of the stone in the kidney as well as the size. If its in the lower pole of the kidney its less likely to try to pass anytime soon but you never know. As long as its 5mm or smaller it is usually passable although the smaller it is the better the odds. Im guessing it wasn't terribly large or the dr probably would've mentioned it but again you never know thats why i always ask for a copy myself. You get that report and it should give you the answers you need. Good luck!

2015-05-07 04:53:13
