
on and off burning in tip of penis only symptom

I had a kidney stone back on nov 3rd.It passed within 3 to 4 weeks.Then I was ok for about 3 weeks untill I started getting this on and off burning sensation in the tip of my penis like the feeling you get when you have to pee.I went back to the doctor and because I had no other symptoms he thought it was an infection and gave me antibiotic which did not help. I went back and he said if the antibiotic did not help then maybe it was another stone so they did another cat scan and sure enough it was.This one was lower then the last onejust above the bladder and he said that is why my only symptom is the on and off burning sensation.I feel fine other then the disruption in my life with the on and off burning feeling like I have to pee all the time and being bummed out about getting another stone so soon after the last one.I just can't believe the difference in the symptoms of this stone and the last one.The last one I had the had to go to the ER pain and nausea the first couple of daysbut then I had hardly any problems during the 3 weeks before I past it so it did not disrupt my life much except having to go have x-ray done once a week.Otherwise it was like I didn't even have the stone.

2015-05-08 10:22:14




Yes your symptoms of burning and the feeling of having to urinate all the time can be "normal" symptoms from a stone at certain times. Certainly not all the time but I have experienced those exact same symptoms from some of the many kidney stones that I have had over the years. Nothing much you can do except grin and bear it so to speak. You probably had this second stone at the same time you had your first one and it just wasn't seen on the XRay or CT Scan at the time the first one was for whatever reason.

2015-05-08 10:23:57
