
paresthesia/Facial Numbness after Wisdom Teeth Removal

I had my Wisdom Teeth taken out 2 weeks ago...ever since then my right lip and chin have been completely numb...I went back to the Oral Surgeon who wants to wait a month to see what happens I have a follow up appointment in November right before Thanksgiving. Is there anything I can do to help? based on common experience how long does nerve damage "usually" take to heal? I feel like I am in the dark...I cannot stand it...I am getting married next year and want to be able to kiss my husband! Also what is the % chance that is could be permanent?

2014-11-03 11:08:19




Hi i had mine out 3 weeks ago tommorw and i am numb on my tongue only it feels like it is massive and eating is a nightmare i have had a constant tingle in my tongue since day one i am also getting mariied next year and have the same fears although it is mainly my tongue the underneath part of my jaw suffers from tingles and numbness i too have spoke to my oral surgeon and have to wait till december 17th for follow up... from my reasearch and reading it appears that if you ahve tingles then this is a sign of recovery and that the nerve is working but can take 6months to a year to fully recover !!

2014-11-03 11:08:52

malaysia A