
Kidney Stone Symptoms

I am new to kidney stones. I passed my first kidney stone about 2 months ago and I know I have two more. A 2mm on one side and a 4 on the other side. The first one I had happened at night so I woke up in pain. I am just wondering is there symptoms you can feel when you are awake. Just 4 days ago I had 4 very sharp pains in the right side my back over a 2 hour period. Today I am hit with a wave of nausea. Could this be a sign that the kidney stone on my right side broke loose and is moving? Or is that wishful thinking? I am also wondering if I should just get the shockwave therapy done so the stones are out of my system or should I just wait until they decide to break loose themselves. Thank you for any advice you can give me. 40 and falling apart

2015-05-12 11:10:58




You've started having kidney stones at about the same age that I did. The exact sympyoms you felt at night are the same that you'll feel during the daytime.A twinge of pain then more intense and sharper pain and then most likely extreme pain as a result of a kidney stone moving through your kidney. Your nausea is something that I can't really speak to as I don't get that. All I get is the pain from a stone. BTW you feel pain from a kidney stone as it is moving through your kidney. The two stones that you know you have may not have passed. A stone can move and then stop moving for days or weeks and you'll probably not have any pain when they stop. It's only when they're on the move again that your pain will return.

2015-05-12 11:19:09
