A recent article in our local paper has a dietician recommending a diet for minimizing the formation of kidney stones that is the exact opposite of what the diet my urologist has me on. His diet is ba
2015-05-12 11:24:00
This is the type of thing that has driven me crazy over the years! The contradictions you can and do get from various Urologists. After 30+ years of dealing with these stones and during that time period trying this and that as recommendations by various medical people as to what will either help eliminate stones or won't and still getting kidney stones on a somewhat regular basis I've come to the conclusion that they're all full of crap and don't have a real clue what they're talking about. I had surgery to remove 3 stones about 5 months ago now and sat down afterwards with the civilian Urologist and had an honest discussion with him. He was very straight forward and told me basically that if your system and body are prone to produce stones there's not much you can do about it and diet changes etc won't help much if at all. He told me to drink a lot of water every day and keep taking my Flowmax pill daily. However the bottom line was that we'd be seeing each other again in the future sometime because of future kidney stones that definitely will form. I appreciated his blunt honesty and I'm passing it onto you. Eat what you enjoy because you might as well enjoy some part of this painful thing since if you're prone to form stones....apparently YOU WILL! I'm living proof of that!
2015-05-12 11:25:47