
kidney stones

Why will my urologist NOT give me anything for pain from kidney stones? I have been passing 10+ kidney stones for about 9 weeks now. Just started seeing an urologist last week and he says he doesn't know what's causing my pain and can't give me anything. Said I need to see a pain management doctor. I don't understand what he means by the stones shouldn't be causing pain I've brought in the stones I've passed.

2015-05-12 11:28:37




I have no idea why your Urologist won't give you any pain meds. Do you have any history of abusing prescription pain meds or drug use in general? If so then that's your answer. If not I'm really perplexed especially since he's telling you that he doesn't know what's causing you your pain and you state that you've had 10+ stones in 9 weeks and have taken the stones you've passed in to show your Urologist. Something else unmentioned by you seems to be at play here and just from what you've said I can't give you an answer at this point. By chance have all your stones already passed and your Urologist found no stones presently in you?

2015-05-12 11:29:05
