I was diagnosed with a kidney stone 7 weeks ago and through the poor quality of medicine in the area it took until yesterday to finally see a urologist. Now I have to have a ureteroscopy next week. Everywhere I have read said it is awful and that the stent afterwards is miserable. Has anyone had a different experience? How long did it take you to bounce back after the surgery? What I am really confused about is they did an ultrasound today and couldn't locate the stone but the right kidney was not functioning normally which is why they feel the stone is blocked somewhere. If it is blocked shouldn't I be in a crap load of pain? I have had pain off and on over the past 7 weeks but haven't been in pain in over a week. I also have fibroids pressing on the ureter is it possible the ureter was blocked during the ultrasound because of how I was laying by the fibroids? Because I do have multiple issues I am afraid that this surgery will be for nothing and I will be in pain and uncomfortable for absolutely no reason. I am leaving for vacation 5 days after the surgery so really don't want to be miserable during my families' vacation. Any advice or information about the procedure and what to expect is appreciated.
2015-05-14 05:24:10
You didn't say whether you are a male or female but being a male myself and having gone through this procedure just about two months ago I'll tell you what I experienced. You also didn't say how big your stone was and that matters because how do you know for sure you'll need a stent? Regardless I had three stones removed in one procedure the largest of which was 5mm and no stent was required for me. The largest stone was blocking my uretha too and backing urine up into my kidney on the right side. As soon as the stones were removed the swelling in my right kidney started going down because the flow of urine to normal was resumed.It went completely away within a day. Being a male I had quite a bit of pain ( burning sensation) for about 3-4 days after surgery when urinating and the pain was at its height the first day after. It deceased as the days passed. It felt like I was urinating broken pieces of glass the first couple of days because of the tools used going in and out during the surgery but it passes and is WELL WORTH IT to get the stones out!. I too had severe pain off and on and like you prior to your surgery now my pain from the stones had all but just about disappeared for several days or so just before my surgery. It would be really severe and then go away for over a week or more. You're much better off getting it done than going on vacation with the stone in there. What if you had a pain attack while on vacation and probably ruin your vacation and your family's too worrying about you. Get it done ASAP!
2015-05-14 05:26:45