
My Alt Serum was 208 should i be worried

Hi There I am 29 5 ft 9 my weight is 225lbs. I don't have diabetes. I very rarely drink I did have an unhealthy diet with lots of junk food and no exercise (started healthy eating 2 weeks ago). I had a blood test 2 years ago and my liver function was pretty normal I was told (after an ultra sound) that I had some fatty liver deposits in my liver but nothing more was said. My cholesterol level was higher than normal as well. I just recently had a liver function test and I was told that my levels were elevated across the board. my highest being ALT serum which is 208. My doctor asked what has changed since then to which i said "I have been taking a reservatrol supplement in liquid form aswell as niacin biotin magnesium vitamin D and tryptophan". She did seem to look at the reservatrol as a possible cause for my elevate enzyme levels because it is broken down in the liver. She has told me to come off all of my supplements and in one week I will do another blood test I am extremely concerned by the elevated readings especially the Alt Serum and if there is another Alt reading that was high too. I read everywhere that it is a sign of liver damage. I am worried that i might have a problem with my liver that cannot be reversed. Is it possible to have a high Alt reading and not have any liver problem? Is a reading at this particular level for Alt Serum very bad ? I have read taking milk thistle vitamin E and cod liver oil can help repair the liver is this true ? I know my questions might seem all over the place and slightly erratic but I am just so worried. Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer my question.

2015-05-19 10:49:36




your alt elevation could definitely be related to the supplements in the setting of some baseline fatty liver. i agree with the cessation of the supplements and then repeating the liver tests. regardless you must continue to try and lose weight and eat healthy--if you do you shouldnt have problems with fat in the liver

2015-05-19 10:50:28
