My father has cirhosis and we have been dealing with high ammonia levels. He has confusion and weakness. He is on Lactulose and an antibiotic. I am reading a lot about a low/no protien diet but a few posts say a high protien diet is recomended. Can I get clarifiation and any tips on what to eat and not to eat? Thanks in advance!
2015-05-19 05:20:19
traditionally when encephalopathy has been severe the recoomendation was to limit animal protein (not vegetable protein). however patients ultimately became malnourished and muscle wasted. Thus we do not limit protein unless the encephalopathy is brittle and refractory to medicsl therapy. We dont overfeed either however and recommend the use of nutritional supplements such as Ensure. 1.2-1.5 grams of protein per kilogram body weight per day is reasonable
2015-05-19 05:21:31