
Sharp pain around the jaw after alcohol consumption

For about 2 years now I have noticed that after a glass of wine I experience a sharp pain around my jaw. I've had this sensation before whenever I eat a citris or sour fruit however lately after consuming any alcohol such as beer wine and margaritas etc. I get this sharp excruciating pain after just one glass. It hurts so badly especially if I drink water. The moment the H2O hits the jaw part of my inner mouth a burning sensation immediately follows. Now here's the strange part if I drink another glass of alcohol the pain will subside instantly. The pain will still return but will not be as painful as the prior time. I have read about Lymphoma and I cannot say that I experience this pain any where else in my body and I don't seem to experience any of the other symptoms. I'd appreciate any input in helping me come up with a solution for this. Someone told me that the solution was to either drink plenty or nothing at all in order to avoid this... ha ha. Anyway one more thing... I don't think I have this problem with mixed drinks containing sodas and liquor.

2014-11-03 03:19:12




Have you ever received a response about your symptom after consuming alcoholic beverages? I've had the same problem for as far as I believe a little over a year 1/2. No one else that I know has the same problem. I don't drink much so I can't really say wether it gets better if I drink more just as in your case. At first I thought in only happened with wine but it does with any alcoholic beverage. Know anything else about this?

2014-11-03 03:20:02
