
Gums hurt after eating.

I went to the denist not long ago and got a couple cavities filled before i went in my teeth felt fine but after the filling i eat and my gums hurt really bad. I called the dentist to tell them the problem and they said to wash my mouth with salt water and I have been but they still hurt anytime I eat anything. What can I do about it??

2014-11-04 09:41:45




Hi Did you have a cleaning when you had the fillings done? It sounds like you may be starting with gingivitis. If that is the case you may be able to deal with it at home by starting a regular brushing and DAILY flossing routine. The best thing would be to go back to your dentist and have him check your gums for gingivitis though. You may only need a cleaning to solve the problem. In the meantime be sure you floss everyday. Gums get irritated from plaque and can really get inflammed and sore when the plaque starts to get between the gum and the tooth surface. You may also have dentin exposed from lack of flossing and that allows the pain sensation to reach the nerve. Toothpaste for sensitive teeth can help with that. Try brushing with the toothpaste for sensitive teeth twice daily for two minutes each time and flossing at least once daily. If this doesn't help you need to get back to your dentist for an evaluation.

2014-11-04 09:42:58
