
Thrush or Oral cancer

Im convinced I have something serious going on in my mouth. For 1 my right tonsil has been swollen since 2012 now there's a yellow spot next to it. I thought it was a stone but its not coming out. My gp wont recommend me for ent because Im not in any pain. But I have discomfort from swollen nodes that I believe are a result of impacted wisom teeth that need to be removed. But now when I shine a flashlight in my mouth I notice the papillae on my tongue is whiter in 2 certain spots. Then I started to get scared about hiv and thrush. The hiv forum claim I had no risk so now Im wondering if cancer is causing these things. It doesnt look like any of the pics of thrush. Like the white papillae is whiter in a spot. Nothing seems to be growing that looks like cheese or something. My tongue seems to be tingling every now and then. Also I took the candida water test and my saliva had legs. But I read thick mucus will do that. Im scared and confused. Please help.

2014-11-04 09:54:58




Seeing an oral medicine specialist is advised.

2014-11-04 09:55:25
