I have had regular cleanings for years. Nothing has ever been wrong. On my last cleaning in August the hygienist told me I had gingivitis and wanted to recheck in 6 weeks. That came from out of the blue…what? Yesterday I went back for the 6 week checkup and was told I had bone loss from having braces in my teenage years. Also my gums were worse than 6 weeks ago. I was told I had periodontal disease and needed to have some cleaning treatment that consisted of numbing one side of my mouth and cleaning it then returning in two weeks to do the same with the other side. I asked the hygienist..so what is it bone loss that I have now had for a long time from braces (no one ever told me this before) gingivitis or periodontal disease? She told me all of the above was considered to be periodontal disease. So WTF? Have I had since a teenager this condition and never knew? If the bone loss came from braces that was since I was 18 years old. ? Gingivites…can it be reversed? Periodontal disease…from what I have read is permanent and might get worse? So what is going on? And if it is so bad my first one sided mouth treatment was not scheduled until December with a mention that the hygienist would have a cancellation before then? I was asked about genetics in the family which is difficult since I was adopted and they might eventually do a DNA test? I am lost here. What is going on? Help and thank you.
2014-11-04 09:56:21