I was eating strawberries the other day and I believe that a small seed got stuck in my gums behind my right wisdom tooth on the bottom. This has happened before with popcorn but the offending particles easily came out and the swelling went down. Now whatever is stuck there is pretty well stuck. My gum is swollen pretty badly and it's starting to get pretty painful. I'm sure that it's from the strawberries I had no problems before I started eating them and could feel the seed getting stuck I though it would dislodge immediately. What solutions do I have? I'm far away at school from my dentist is there anything that I can do? Thank you.
2014-11-04 10:05:12
yea somthing kinda like that happend to me to i was eatng popcorn and i think im not 100% sure but a piece got stuck between two really tight teeth i tryed flossing i tryed brushing i tryed with my nails and everytime i bite down it feels like somthing goes into my gums and come back out is somthing there and how do i get out or did my gums swell up and thats all im feeling
2014-11-04 10:05:41