
Odd tongue sucking habit PLEASE HELP!

It sounds strange but whenever I sleep or am in a restful state of mind I suck on my tongue by tucking my teeth over my top teeth and suckle. Similar to thumb sucking and I've doing it since I was little. I'm now 20 and now I'm more worried about dental issues than ever. My dentist said I have beautiful teeth but I've become extremely paranoid. I've tried retainers with small pokey things to prevent my tongue but all that did was cause lacerations and I still continued. It makes it difficult because my tongue is in my mouth and most times then not its a subconscious habit and I can't control it. I can't find any help with this and even my dentist wasn't sure if it'd cause damage. I'd like to if it will affect my teeth in any way if not I'll continue and just accept it because if I don't do it I cannot sleep at night. Please someone help with some insight I'm at my wit's end.

2014-11-04 10:16:14




Unusual tongue habit has always been a difficult contition to treat. Your descriptions suggest tongue thrust habbit. Tongue thrust may cause anterior teeth open bite or front teeth flaring out.In addition abnormal tongue position may contribute to abnormal breathing pattern which may contribute to neck upper back or chest pain. I have few cases of tongue thrust patients successfully corrected by occlusal appliance. Seeing a tmj specialist is advised

2014-11-04 10:16:50
