hi.i had postero-anterior view chest xray and the findings was suspicious opacities right upper field and the right paracardiac area with somewhat rounded opacity measuring about 5cmx3cm what does it mean?
2014-10-28 03:32:48
All I can suggest is it indicates further testing is needed to determine what the opacity is. I know lung nodules which can be seen with a CT scan don't think an X-ray can do the job that are stable over a period of time two scans are nothing to worry about but if active by growth in size or number suggests a needle biopsy is needed to determine if the nodules are malignant. A cluster of nodules may show up as an opacity in an X-ray just a guess. But is so then it seems an increase in opacity size or "darkness" may indicate growth and suggest the same concern mentioned for active nodules. I'm just guessing and applying the little (more than I'd like) know about malignant lung nodules
2014-10-28 03:33:56