Idk if its my hormones or if im overreacting but I feel like my relationship with my bf is at ruins. We're always fighting it seems like I pick the arguments but it really isnt my intention he just never wants to her what I have to say like his opinion and thoughts are the Only ones that matter. Seems like he never wants to be home and when he is he is always on his phone doing idk what. Its just killinv me inside I love him so much and feel like its my fault we're not speaking I will be induced on friday unless baby decides to come before but im really starting to think about whether I want to stay or leave but I feel like its too late for anything. I feel my self falling into depression.
2014-11-07 02:20:01
Have you tried just talking to him and telling him how you feel? My boyfriend and I go through this occasionally he just gets caught up in his own things but I do the same. Sometimes we just have to talk it out and it gets better. Every relationship has its rough patch. It might seem horrible now but it doesn't mean you can't work it out.
2014-11-07 02:20:35