
Understanding cardiac report

The following is on my Dad's report but the doctor has not explained this very well. Could you please explain what is going on and how serious this is? The patient underwent a Lixiscan Cardiolite revealing medium moderate to severe anterior apical fixed defect as well as a small mild to moderate inferior partially reversible defect. Ejection fraction was estimated at 55%. Patient denies chest pain palpitations presyncope orthopnea or significant lower extremity edema. *** There is a medium sized moderate to severe defect in anterior and apical wall that is fixed suggestive of infarct. The is a small mild to moderate defect in inferior wall that is partially reversible suggestive of infarction with minimal peri-infarct ischemia. Lungs reveal diminished breath sounds bilaterally but no frank wheezes or rales. Heart: Without murmur normal S1 and S2. There is no S3 S4 or rub.Apical impulse is normal. *** We think maybe he has had a silent heart attack at some point. Is his heart function compromised? (moderately severely? etc) Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

2014-11-10 10:31:09




Your father has experience an MI at some point which is indicated by the comment "There is a medium sized moderate to severe defect in anterior and apical wall that is fixed suggestive of infarct". He also has another area with a partially reversible defect which may be treated with meds or a stent depending on the severity. The good news is that his heart is still functioning well with a normal EF% of 55% which represents the amount of blood pumped out of the left ventricle with each beat. Have his doctors recommended any treatment options yet? He sounds like a candidate for an angiogram to see exactly what kind of shape his arteries are in. Let us know

2014-11-10 10:31:43

malaysia A