
Neck lumps lump in neck lump cancers lymphoma

I have had a painless lump in my neck for several years. It is on the left side in the same area where my lymph nodes typically swell up when I have a cold. It is behind the upper part of my jaw below my ear. It is hard painless (unless I press it rather hard) immovable and about an inch in size. I have had two doctors who have been aware of it but dismissed it. The first one put me on antibiotics to make it go down but they did not do anything. I believe it was first noticed about 6 years ago (after a sinus infection) and I don't believe it has grown since then. I went to a new doctor a few months ago specifically to get this checked. He felt my neck and at first couldn't find it until I showed him...then he said he wouldn't worry about it unless it grows in size. I'm just wondering if I should pursue this further? I realize there's a chance it could be lymphoma and that scares me...but I have had no other symptoms that would indicate cancer. I do however have chronic sinus congestion and it has always been worse on the left side (mucus in nose ear wax and sore throats). Could it be that my lymph node is "stuck" trying to fight off my sinus problems? I also have mild hypothyroidism but I don't think that's related due to the location of the lump.

2014-10-28 03:57:02




I'm a 22 year old female and I have the same painless lump in the same spot as you. I've had it for a little over a year. I read a lot of stuff on the internet about lymphoma and it scared me too. I said to myself that when I see a Dr. he or she better not give me antibiotics and dismiss it because I read how that happened to so many people and it didn't work and I knew it wasn't from an infection because I had it for so long. I finally went to the Dr a few days ago and she had me get blood work and is referring me to an Oncologist to check out the lump and get a biopsy. I was glad that she didn't blow it off like it was nothing but at the same time it worries me. I think you should see another Dr and demand they do more and figure out what it really is. It could be nothing so try not to worry too much about it.

2014-10-28 03:57:58
